Day 6 – Wednesday
NKT students are very fortunate. On a daily basis we can study, meditate and practice Dharma under the care and guidance of our Resident Teacher, and work with our managers to help our local Dharma Center grow and flourish. Annually we also have the opportunity to take part in a special regional Dharma Celebration, a National Festival, and three International Festivals – during Spring and Summer at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, and in the Fall at another location, such as this event hosted by KMC Italy.
These larger courses include teachings and empowerments from the National, Deputy, or General Spiritual Director, reviews and meditations led by senior NKT Teachers, prayers and offering ceremonies, and retreats to help improve our understanding and experience. All, of course, taking place in a blessed and enjoyable environment in the company of new and old spiritual friends from around the world.
Our next opportunity to gather as international NKT Sangha will be May 28-31 for the NKT International Spring Festival (UK) 2010, when we will receive the empowerment of the enlightened mother Green Tara and commentary to this practice from Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab.
Everyone is welcome to attend these uniquely meaningful holidays. Registration and program details will be available soon.
Gen Kelsang Eupame, NKT National Spiritual Director in France and Resident Teacher at KMC France, led us in four beautiful retreat sessions to take the Festival Teachings further into our heart. Using the prayers of Medicine Buddha Sadhana – a method to accomplish the body, speech and mind of Medicine Buddha – we were gently guided to deepen our experience of going for refuge and generating bodhichitta, visualizing the Field of Merit to receive blessings, and generating ourselves as Medicine Guru to administer healing medicine to the world.