Kadampa Meditation Center Italy
Kadampa Meditation Centers – including KMC Italy – are NKT Dharma Centers that have a special function. They are non-profit organizations and all their proceeds benefit the International Temples Project. KMCs exist to fulfill Venerable Geshe-la’s compassionate vision that Kadampa Temples appear in every major city in the world to help people everywhere find lasting peace and happiness.
In addition to serving their local communities by offering spiritual activities, classes and engaging in public service, KMCs also host large events such as NKT Dharma Celebrations, National Festivals and International Festivals.
KMC Italy is the Mother Center for its country, and Gen Kelsang Wangden was recently appointed as its Resident Teacher.
During the morning meditation we trained in visualizing Buddha, spending time with him and allowing ourselves to truly feel his holy presence. He is living Buddha, our Spiritual Guide who is caring for us with his great kindness and healing us with the medicine of Kadam Dharma.
We want the attainments of Medicine Buddha. We want his pure body, speech and mind, environment and enjoyments so that we benefit all living beings without exception and draw them to that same pure state of everlasting happiness. Gen-la Dekyong inspired us today to recognize that by focusing on the immeasurable good qualities of Medicine Buddha and developing a determination to mix the preliminary practices of The Seven Limbs with every moment of our life, we can follow him all the way to Lapis Jewel Land. We want to get there quickly, so we train in universal compassion conjoined with wisdom, the union of Sutra and Tantra. Transforming all our usual activities into the path to enlightenment, we make offerings throughout the day to our Guru at our heart.