Day 4
A Teacup Full of Emptiness
When we want a cup of tea (it's in England, after all) we reach for a cup. Similarly when out of compassion we wish to free others from suffering we need to reach for enlightenment. Using this classic example from Geshe Kelsang, Genla Dekyong encouraged us to use our own experience of suffering to remind us to seek enlightenment for the benefit of others in particular through gaining the realization of emptiness. In a delightful and practical teaching on emptiness, 'the way things are', Genla Dekyong described how things exist as mere appearance and mere imputation, like in a dream. She explained how when we purify our mind through the wisdom realizing emptiness, all impure appearances cease and instead the appearance of a pure land naturally arises.
As the sun again broke through the clouds, people enjoyed the festival grounds awash in flowers, and mindfully enjoyed their teas and coffees in the various cafes; it seemed as if the pure land was already arising even if the empowerments are still a few days away.
Tomorrow we start two days of retreat on the principal paths, renunciation, bodhichitta, and emptiness. The Festival is supplying us with everything we need to take these teachings deeply to heart. As Genla said, What great good fortune arising from the Ocean of Good Fortune (which is the actual meaning Kelsang Gyatso).

Week 1 – Meditation Retreat

Day 5
The Real Health Juice – Lamrim!
In between retreat sessions they are lining up at the Health Juice bar for Tropical Nectar or Berry Bliss, basking in the sun, quietly contemplating, enjoying discussions with friends.
But the real juice is flowing inside the temple the lamrim, the essence of our tradition. Based on Genla Dekyong's fresh and inspired presentation, Gen Jampa is skillfully and systematically guiding us through the key meditations, so far death, renunciation, affectionate love. After his clear guidance, Gen Jampa leaves plenty of time for everyone to deeply contemplate in silence and to move their minds towards a heartfelt insight and experience. As our minds mix with the undeniable truth of the Dharma (yes, I am going to die, yes, ordinary life is the nature of suffering, yes, everyone is kind) we all again rediscover the extraordinary qualities of lamrim. It grounds us in reality, allowing us naturally to let go of our ordinary concerns. It opens our heart, as we connect to our pure nature and the possibilities of limitless peace and limitless love. Through the force of lamrim, we feel our lives naturally moving in the direction of the actualization of those possibilities, moving in the direction of enlightenment.
All this, and Berry Bliss too cheers!

Day 6
The Family that Meditates Together
There's a strong sense of family at the Festival. Actual families like Bonnie, Jessie and Quinn (Grandma, Dad, and Daughter), three generations – how special! Spiritual families, the feeling of being part of the wider Kadampa family. And the family of all living beings – as Gen Jampa guides us in retreat to the development of universal compassion and bodhichitta.
One person said: I'm amazed by how international the Festival actually is.
Just take a look at the translators at work: Chinese, French, Greek, German, Portuguese, Spanish their translated words reaching the ears of people whose bodies come from more than 30 countries, and whose minds are each carrying how many other people (family, friends, coworkers etc.), wishing for each person to experience deep joy, peace, freedom, enlightenment.
It's like seeing Geshe-la's bodhichitta actually take form; his wish for Dharma to flourish throughout the world becoming palpable as we gather all together in one place here at the Festival. We feel like a big global family, the international Kadampa family, and the experience is deeply inspiring. It's clear how one man's bodhichitta has changed the world. By connecting our compassion to his, we see how all of us, through our actions of sharing Kadam Dharma within our own life and communities, are helping to improve lives and change the world for the better.
Today, the rains that we all associate with Festival retreats finally came. As we meditated beneath the gentle sound of the rain on the temple roof, it felt like a family huddling together enjoying their shelter the shelter of the temple, and the ultimate shelter of meditation on emptiness, opening up the doorway to liberation for all living beings throughout the world.