Day 1
Yesterday was the beginning of the 22nd annual NKT-IKBU Summer Festival at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre (Manjushri KMC) in the UK.
Over 2,700 people will gather to enjoy these two weeks where they will receive teachings, enjoy time to contemplate the meaning of these teachings and have many opportunities to engage in meditations on the teachings guided by qualified Kadampa teachers. We can also enjoy spiritual friendship, relaxation, and the beautiful environment of the English Lake District.
The teachings in week one will be the three principle aspects of the path given by Gen-la Dekyong the General Spiritual Director and which are the basis for receiving the empowerments and teachings in week two of the Highest Yoga Tantra practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini, given by Gen-la Kunsang the Deputy Spiritual Director. All these precious teachings come from Je Tsongkhapa's Ganden Oral lineage. Many people have made a special effort to receive these teachings, coming from 30 countries around the world. Some coming to Manjushri KMC for the first time, others happily reuniting with friends they've made from previous visits. The residents and working visitors at Manjushri KMC have the grounds and buildings looking their best.
As evening sets in, the first event of the Festival begins with an introduction by Gen Jampa the national spiritual director of USA. His inspired talk explained the special power of coming together in such an international gathering and how to get the most benefit from the time spent here. He reminded us that this is not an ordinary holiday, and that if we wish we can leave the Festival carrying more peaceful minds and special insights that will continue to help and protect us long after we return home.
Now the first day draws to a close, a wonderful Festival environment has arisen again in the English Lake District, and those assembled are eager and ready for the teachings by Gen-la Dekyong that will begin tomorrow.

Day 2
Samsara Bye Bye
Today Gen-la Dekyong began her explanation of the first of the three principal paths, renunciation, according to Modern Buddhism, eventually condensing her explanation into a single memorable quote from Venerable Geshe Kelsang; Samsara Bye Bye! (Samsara is Buddha's word for our ordinary impure life that always gives rise to suffering and unhappiness.)
Gen-la Dekyong teased us about our dislike of the world 'renunciation'. However, 'actual' renunciation does not entail abandoning family, friends, possessions, job, or enjoyments. “What's your problem?” she encouraged us to ask ourselves. It's not the external situation but the unpleasant feelings in our own mind.
Our job in between sessions was to use any unpleasant feelings that arose in our mind to remind us to develop the joyful and solution oriented mind of renunciation. However there probably wasn't a lot of unpleasant feelings to choose from. The sun shone, the food was great, the volunteers were enthusiastic, everywhere was the sound of happy discussions and laughter. The joyful life that Dharma brings was palpable. We were directly experiencing what it would be like if we could experience 'samsara bye bye' in our hearts.

Day 3
Magic Marvin Pulls Love out of Hat
Today, as part of the activities for the children, there was a special event: Magic Marvin's Incredible Magic Show. Although the tricks and showmanship of Magic Marvin (aka Len Foley, father to baby Sofia) were a sight to see, amidst the whoops of delight and the radiant expressions, the real magic lay in the joy in the kids' hearts.
Gen-la Dekyong was teaching magic as well. How with a warm heart and feeling close to others all our human problems vanish! She encouraged us throughout the day to solve all our problems with love. So now this warm heart of affectionate love can be felt everywhere, shining in the smiles of the food servers, the dish washers, the temple stewards and so on. With everyone practicing love you get a clear sense of the peaceful and joyful world that a loving heart creates.
Gen-la said: It's a little bit like magic. Simply by moving our focus from self to others, our own suffering disappears and love and compassion arises!
Now there's a magic trick we all need to learn