This page provides links to online diaries where you can view photos, videos and reviews of previous International Kadampa Festivals. Find the most recent events on the Kadampa Image GalleryYouTube and Facebook.

  1. 2015
  1. 2014
  1. 2013
  1. 2012
  1. 2011
  1. 2010
  1. 2009
  1. 2008
    • Fall Festival 2008 – Paris, Disneyland
    • Spring and Summer 2008 – Manjushri KMC, England (Back soon)
  1. 2007
    • Spring, Summer and Fall 2007 – Manjushri KMC, England & Singapore (Back soon)
    • Fall 2006 – KMC USA (Back soon)
  1. 2006
  1. 2005
  1. 2004
  1. 2004