Spring Festival 2019
Day 5
Completing The Sequence

“We need to study, think, listen, contemplate a lot about karma.”
Festival Life

As Gen-la Khyenrab explained in his teaching, at the International Festivals we follow a special sequence. First we receive an empowerment, then we listen to an explanation of the practice and then we enter immediately into retreat to take the teachings to heart and gain familiarity with the practice. This is the Kadampa tradition.
For the last two days, Gen Rabten has been guiding a magical retreat on the practice of Meditation and Recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva. He encouraged us to leave all our distractions behind and focus single-pointedly on the practice.
During the sessions an extraordinary silence fell on the Temple as we absorbed into the practice and experienced a taste of the deep inner peace that comes with mental purity. And at the end of each session we rose feeling cleansed of negativity and obstructions.
We can see for ourselves that if we persevere with this practice eventually we will reach the point where our mind becomes completely pure, without a trace of negativity or obstruction.
My First Festival

"It's been really wonderful. I have been so touched by what I have received. We don't just receive teachings, we also receive something to give to others. I feel so privileged. Previously this ancient tradition was open to only a few people, but now it's open to everyone. It is indeed a privilege - but it's our choice whether we receive it or not."
Irma | Mexico

Because we engage in this practice with refuge in the Three Jewels, Buddha Dharma and Sangha, and the motivation of the supreme good heart of bodhichitta, we can see how this purification practice, though private to each one of us, benefits all living beings.
As we progress and our mind becomes purer and purer, our ability to benefit others in a meaningful way increases. How wonderful!
And so the Festival drew to a close. Like a flash of lightning appearing in an empty sky, it appeared and dissolved as if in an instant. But during that brief time, our hearts were deeply touched and we shared precious moments bathing in the blessings of the Venerable Spiritual Guide.
We leave feeling we have taken another great stride towards world peace.
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la
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