Spring Festival 2019
Day 2
A Deep Experience of Purity

"The function of Vajrasattva is to purify living beings' impure minds and impure actions and to transform them into completely pure beings."
Festival Life

The day started with beautiful meditations on refuge and bodhicitta led by Gen Sangden.
In the afternoon, with the sun shining, everyone enjoyed the beautiful environment at Manjushri, and then it was time to head to the temple for the empowerment.
My First Festival

"I see this first experience as a pilgrimage! This is where it all began, with Geshe-la and his infinite goodness. I am very happy to participate in this festival in this blessed place, surrounded by so many people who wish to develop a good heart for a better world!"
Andrée Gibeau | Québec, Canada

Gen-la Khyenrab guided us to a deep experience of purity through receiving the profound blessings of Buddha Vajrasattva's body, speech and mind. A feeling of joy and peace pervaded the Temple.
Gen-la explained that all our suffering is mistaken appearance coming from our own mind of self-grasping ignorance. When we completely purify our mind, impure objects will no longer appear and there will be no basis for any kind of suffering, pain or problems. This is the real meaning of learning to enjoy everything as pure.
We can be very happy and rejoice in having found a perfect method.
What people are saying