Kadampa Summer Festival 2025 – Buddha Green Tara Merged (2x)



JUL 25 - AUG 9

Attending the festival online

The emphasis for the Summer Festival 2025 is on in-person attendance, but it will be possible to participate online if you are not able to attend in-person.

What to book for
You will need to choose either in-person or online at the time of booking. You will not be able to book for both. Each person viewing the Festival Online will need to make their own booking. Viewing links cannot be shared.

Live streaming with video on demand
For those who have booked to participate online, each teaching and meditation session will be available as a live stream following the Festival timetable and as a video on demand shortly after the end of the live session. With the exception of the Mahayana Refuge Ceremony and Empowerment which are only available for 24 hours from the time the link has been made live.

How to watch
This year there is a change to the way you watch your Festival teachings: now you will do so through the Kadampa Booking System (KBS). When you are logged into KBS you will be able to see the livestream option for your event and watch any of the events you have booked. More information will be sent nearer the time.

The Festival will be given in English and the videos will include the option to listen to the teachings in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Mandarin & Cantonese.

Bookings to attend the Festival online close at 12pm on Saturday 9 August UK time. The videos will be available online until 23:59 hours UK Time 6 September 2025

PLEASE NOTE: the refuge ceremony and empowerment would not normally be available as a video on demand, but because this is an International Festival, as an exception it will be available online for 24 hours to ensure people in different time zones are able to view it.

Therefore they will each be live-streamed from  4PM to 6 PM UK time on Saturday, July 26, and Saturday August 2. Shortly after the live sessions, the videos will be available to watch on demand for 24 hours.