Kadampa Spring Festival 2025 – Buddha Maitreya Merged (2x)



MAY 23 - 28

The teachings at the Festival

Buddha Maitreya
Buddha Maitreya

During Spring Festival 2025 Gen-la Jampa will grant the blessing empowerment of Buddha Maitreya and give teachings on how to solve our problems with loving kindness.

Buddha Maitreya is the manifestation of all the Buddhas' realisation of loving kindness. This Festival is a unique opportunity to concentrate on understanding and practising the precious instructions given by Venerable Geshe-la on how to develop the three types of love. We will also learn how we ourselves can quickly become a Buddha of Loving Kindness by changing our basis of imputation through Tantric practice.
Through engaging in the Festival programme of teachings, meditations and retreat, we can radically transform our own lives and the lives of others.

In Toronto 2003 Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche said:

Love is the real nuclear bomb that destroys enemies, because if everyone practised love the enemy would disappear.

If we really want to help our world and heal our lives we need to learn how to develop authentic love. The powerful blessings and teachings we receive at this Festival will help us to do this.

The empowerment and teachings are open to everyone and are suitable for beginners.

Meditations & retreats

Following the design made by Venerable Geshe-la, every Festival includes both daily meditations and a concluding retreat to enable us to take the teachings to heart. Both the meditations during the teaching days and the concluding retreat will be led by senior Teachers of the New Kadampa Tradition.