JUL 26 - AUG 10
You cannot be at a Kadampa Festival and not marvel at how smoothly and efficiently it is run by dedicated teams of kind-hearted people. One of the incredible aspects of Geshe-la’s vision for flourishing modern Kadampa Buddhism is how everyone joins in and the Festivals are run entirely by those attending.
Why volunteer?
Volunteering is an integral and extremely rewarding part of the Festival experience. You get the opportunity to engage in meaningful, joyful work together with others from all over the world. Through giving your time freely and cherishing others attending the Festival you can experience directly how this not only benefits others but makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
In every aspect of the Festival - the initial registration, the home-made vegetarian meals, the smiling baristas at the World Peace Cafe, the Festival first-aiders, the stewards seating people, those arranging the beautiful offerings in the Temple, the cleaning teams and others - the kindness and interconnectedness just go on and on!
Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of Festival life through volunteering and to witness in action Buddha’s vision of a vibrant society based on kindness and cherishing.
Many opportunities
For those who are able to offer some voluntary work there are many opportunities from undertaking major tasks to contributing in small ways.
Often voluntary teams are organized by local Kadampa centers before the Festival begins, and throughout the Festival there is a volunteer desk where you can go whenever you have some available time. Please contact your local center for more information if you want to join their volunteer team.
If you wish to volunteer before arriving at the Festival please use the button below to add your details.